He had a good time on halloween with his cousins Anthony and Tyler. Caleb and Tyler didn't quite know what was going on...why there were dressed as animals, but they had fun. We only visited Grandparents' houses and a few neighbors, but as you will see in one of the pictures he was tired by the end of the night.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Fall 2007
Well, Caleb is now 19 months old! Wow! He is growing taller and saying new things each day! He loves to say "ball!" In fact, anything round is a "ball". For instance, the moon is a "ball!" So you can imagine what he thought when we went to a pumpkin patch!
He had a good time on halloween with his cousins Anthony and Tyler. Caleb and Tyler didn't quite know what was going on...why there were dressed as animals, but they had fun. We only visited Grandparents' houses and a few neighbors, but as you will see in one of the pictures he was tired by the end of the night.

He had a good time on halloween with his cousins Anthony and Tyler. Caleb and Tyler didn't quite know what was going on...why there were dressed as animals, but they had fun. We only visited Grandparents' houses and a few neighbors, but as you will see in one of the pictures he was tired by the end of the night.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Summer 2007 Update
Hi everyone!
Well, we've been home from Kaz for four months now. Wow, in some ways it seems like it has been longer than that, and in other ways it seems like we just got home.
Caleb is doing wonderfully! He is very healthy! The only thing that we are working on is his slightly deficient iron level. We are giving him an iron supplement daily. He sure is growing! At 15 months, he weighs 22 pounds and is about 30 inches tall! He eats just about anything that we give him. He no longer takes a bottle during the day, but most nights before bed he does take one.
Caleb loves his cousins Tyler(16 months) and Ashley (13 months), but he absolutely adores his older cousin, Anthony (7 years)! I think that he thinks Anthony hung the moon! Anthony loves him as well! In fact, one day during Sunday School, Anthony's teacher asked the class if they ever felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. Anthony's hand shot up and the teacher called on him. He said, "I do whenever my baby cousin, Caleb, smiles at me!" Tears came to my eyes the first time I heard about that, and everytime I've told someone else about it (including typing it right now!)
Caleb is nothing like the scared, reserved little boy from the orphanage. He is confident, loves to make people laugh, and is very friendly. He hugs, kisses, and blows kisses!
He is saying more and more things. His favorite word is still kitty, however uh-oh and duck are gaining ground. He also is starting to say his cousin Tyler's favorite saying, I like it!, with the emphasis on the word like. It's amazing how much of what we say he understands! It is absolutely hilarious when someone asks a question like, "Where's Daddy?" Caleb shrugs his shoulders, while putting his hands up with his mouth wide open. You have to see it to really appreciate it!
Since being home, we've had many celebrations, went on a family vacation to the beach, and have just had a lot of fun! Here are pictures of some of those occasions!!
Fourth of July:
At the Alamo:
Wearing Alamo souvenir:
At Cousin Ashley's First Birthday Party:
At the Zoo with Cousin Ashley:
At the zoo with Cousin Tyler and Cousin Anthony:
Fun at home: swimming and shooting hoops.
Baby Dedication at Church on Mother's Day:
Fun with family and friends:
Caleb's first trip to the beach, July 2007: (Photos are from our condo, the beach, restaurants, and the aquariam.)
Caleb at Chuck E. Cheese: (I don't know why it keeps putting this here, but I give up trying to put it where it belongs...although, it is really annoying to me!!)
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