Early in the morning it was really foggy outside. Then, it cleared up, the sun came out, and it was actually kind of warm! I'm not sure what the temp was, but it was one of those days like we have in SA a lot in the winter where it's cool/cold in the shade, it's pretty warm/hot if your in the sun, and you're burning up if you're in the car with the sun shining in.
Before we went to the Baby House today, we stopped by a bank to exchange some US dollars to Kazakhstan tenge. It was a madhouse in there! Brad and Asira went up to the counter, but I waited where there wasn't 50 people all crowded up in a 10' by 14' space.
Then we went to see Caleb! He came in today smiling and talking! We had some of his familiar toys, but we also brought out two new ones. One is a stuffed Astro's baseball that has bells in it. He enjoyed rolling it back and forth with Brad, but he also liked chewing on the tag. The other toy lights up and plays music. He did his Stevie Wonder head thing as the music played--it is so cute!
We also fed him some baby food! He already eats like the Aldridges and Jandts! He wore a bib today that we think his Uncle Brent will appreciate--see picture!
Caleb is really sad that he missed his Grandpa Jandt, Uncle Tony, Aunt Mitzi, and Cousin Anthony doing their acts at the Valentine's Day Banquet at church! He hopes somebody video recorded it so he and his parents can watch it when they get home!!
On our drive home from the Baby House, there were a lot (and I mean a lot) of Police Officers gathered in the square that we walk through all the time to get to the restaurants and stores. As we drove by, a police officer was waving all the cars to pull over. Our driver pulled over, got some papers out of the glove compartment, and went back to talk with the officer. He wasn't gone very long, and he explained (in Russian of course) what was going on. They didn't bother to tell us, so I asked if we should go out to dinner tonight like we had planned or not, which is my way of trying to ask what's going on but not asking it. I should have asked because all I was told was, "Oh, of course it is okay." We decided not to go out for dinner, anyway, because we had eaten lunch at our hotel and weren't very hungry. We ate some food we had in the room.
This is the view outside our window of the park. It seems so strange to look out there and not see snow! There's grass down there!
I know you guys have the patience of saints. Now it's 15 days plus a week then a couple of days. It is odd that on their web site they say that it is a one trip country and that it takes 5-6 weeks. that's a fib. Well as you say the end result is what you are looking for and not all this stuff. It will make the end even more special. Always in our prayers Love Ginny and Gary
We are so excited for you guys. Just counting down the hours to hear the great news the judge is going to tell you. It is so good to see Caleb again. Love all of the pictures and the bib is excellent. Uncle Brent is very proud. Caleb is really going to love his racing like his uncle and aunt! We are thinking of you guys every minute and can't wait til you get home. Ashley sends hugs and kisses and wants you to know that we are all praying for you.
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