Caleb wore his red, white, and blue fire truck outfit that Matt, Courtney, Reagan, and Madelyn had given him in honor of him becoming an American citizen as soon as we landed on US soil. He looked so cute!
On the first flight from Almaty to Amsterdam, we had a row of four seats all to ourselves! Caleb did well on that flight. He slept in between us for part of the way. He also could walk between us some, but he had a hard time turning around in the tiny space of economy class seating. You should have seen me trying to change stinky, dirty diapers in those tiny restrooms! I think he had four dirty diapers in all on the two long flights. The take-off and landing didn't seem to bother him on any of the flights. The second flight from Amsterdam to Memphis was more difficult. It was longer (10 hours) and there were no empty seats. He wasn't quite as good on that flight, but he did manage to win the heart of our flight attendant. The last flight from Memphis to SA was great! There were at least four other babies on board, but he was the best!
It has been quite difficult for Caleb to get on our time zone! This of course means that it has been difficult for us, as well. I think we may finally be making some progress. He loves his new home and all his stuff. Friday night, he threw his arms up and just started walking across the living room! Brad and I couldn't believe it! He is still very shaky, of course, and crawls most of the time when he wants to get somewhere fast.
He is very clingy to both Brad and I, which I think is to be expected. It's just hard to get any of the millions of things that need to be done accomplished, and I already have to go back to work on April 4th.
Caleb loves his high chair and enjoys going places in his car seat. We were worried about both because he doesn't like to be strapped in, but he does well.
Thursday Caleb met his 13 month old cousin, Tyler. Tyler wasn't too sure about having to share his Aunt Pet, his Grandpa, but mainly his Grandma with someone else! He also met his seven year old cousin, Anthony. He kept watching Anthony and was fascinated by everything Anthony would do.
Sunday we took him to church, and he was "introduced" to the congregation. He clapped his hands and bounced to the music.
Congratulations to Rod, Kym, and Aray who should be in Almaty by now. It's their last step before going home, and I know they are ready! They are hoping to leave for home on the 29th of March but it could be April 3rd. We can relate!!
Tomorrow, March 27th, Caleb will be one year old! Wow, we just made it home for his birthday! We'll post pictures from his parties tomorrow (hopefully).
I know...I was much more detailed in my posts while in Kaz. Well, first of all, there wasn't that much else to do there. Second of all, I am now the mother of a one year old! (Of course you mean we were more detailed and we are now both parents. I gave input on all our posts also. I can't help it if I type slow :0.)
Wow!!! These pictures are practically flying on the page. It's nice to have high speed internet again :). (See, I typed this - Brad)
Rod, don't tell the Kazakh officials - He is only wearing one shirt!
The T-shirt Caleb is wearing says this:
Adoption is Love.
Love is Family.
Family is Forever.
Caleb, happy 1st birthday!Dixie and Keith
I have been following your blog since the beginning of January and I just wanted to congratulate you on finally getting home with your son. My husband and I are in the process of adopting from Kazakhstan, and I have loved reading about your journey to get your baby. I hope everything continues to go well and that one day I'll join you as a new parent.
Bronwyn Dasher
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