Something else that has been funny for the past few days is that we play Duck, Duck, Goose. Okay, not really, but sort of. Caleb and I are sitting on the ground and Brad walks around us, taps our heads and says, "Duck." Caleb smiles, follows Brad with his eyes, and says "duck." It's more of a variation of his "da" that he says, but it's cute!
When we were leaving today, Assyl said that we will go to the BH tomorrow. She said that if we get Caleb's passport tomorrow (pray!) that we will talk with the social worker again to see if we can bring him to the hotel.
We came back to the hotel and ate lunch. Then we walked with Austin and Jeannie to the bazaar. We actually found some more Kazakh traditional items that we had never seen there before. This was our third time there, and I know we still haven't seen everything! We bought a decorative cloth saddle bag with a traditional Kazakh design. (It is nothing like a western saddle bag.) There used to be nomadic tribes in Kazakhstan, and they depended very much on horses. There was this little old Kazakh lady selling it, and we told her we didn't speak Russian (in Russian-ha-ha!) She was trying to explain what it was, and Brad said, "Da" and started making horse noises. She shook her head to say yes and was cracking up! She was so cute!
When we left the bazaar, we walked to this bookstore and bought a English Kazakh/Russian picture dictionary and a map of Taraz.
Playing the piano is hard work...I need a little break.
It's official! I'm a mom. I've got the stain on my sweater to prove it!
Wow! Six more days and you'll be on your way to the "good ole" USA! Praying that this date will stick! Can't wait to see you!
Love, Connie, Geryl, & Laura
That sounds great that they actually think you will get the passport. Can't you just go to Almaty then? Let's hope so!! It would be good to have a couple of days to adjust before you take the plane ride because the next step is the US embassy isn't it? I'm so confused.
He's a growing boy and with the extra exersize of course he will eat more. It sounds like you know more about babies than they do and you especially know Caleb more.
It's the first day of Spring Break and I slept til nine o'clock. Boy did that feel good. Now I'm procrastinating so that I don't have to start the millions of projects I intend to do in the next 8 days. I have 10 yards of material to make curtains for the kitchen and the den. That is pretty hard to ignore.
Well Caleb and you guys look great! Ready to take off and be a family. It won't be long now. Always in our prayers. Love Ginny and Gary
We're counting down!!! Mom says she couldn't hear too well when you called so if there's anything important that she may have missed, to email me. It's spring break---yeah!!! We miss you guys bunches so we're all praying that everything works out for Friday.
Love you
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