Today was the big holiday! I even received a flower from our translator and from Janet's husband (who is also one of our drivers!) Because of the holiday(s) we went to the Baby House in the morning. We will go in the morning Friday, Saturday, and from what I understand we'll actually get to go to the BH on Sunday, too! When we first got to the BH, our translator went up to get Caleb. I followed her up because I wanted to, but also because we had pictures of him to give to his caregivers. If you'll remember, when we took his passport photos there was a blue background. We had to pay a little more because the background had to be white. Well, we received the ones with blue backgrounds and that's what we gave them. I had Assyra show me how to write Roman (because that's what they know him as) in Russian. I wrote his name and the date the pics were taken on the back of them. (By the way, I realized the other day that I've been calling our translator by the wrong name. So,
The Translator Formally Known As Assyra will now be known as Assyl. When some people say her name, Janet for instance, they say it with an "ah" at the end. I don't know...I'm confused, but anyway it has an "l" in it!) Back to the original story, I went up to the baby room. Caleb's caregivers were putting our clothes on top of his other layers. (It did get much colder today. It snowed a little.) When he saw me, he was smiling and talking to me! I think it was probably driving the person who was trying to dress him crazy. In fact, she even put his camo pants on backwards! I stayed up there and carried him downstairs while Assyl took Marina down. Marina and her new parents, Jeannie and Austin, joined us today in the music room. At first Caleb was really clingy and nervous. When he gets nervous, he holds on to the back of our hair. He had a runny nose Tuesday and Wednesday, but seemed better today. Marina, however, was really congested! She's a very happy little girl, so today she was trying to laugh and play but just didn't feel really well.
When we left the BH, our driver had a hard time getting us to our hotel because of all the activities going on in the square for Woman's Day. There was a lot of people. I can only imagine how many people would have been there if we had gorgeous weather like yesterday, rather than really cold weather.
One thing I haven't missed about home is the South Texas allergies! For the first time since being here, I sort of felt like that today. I figure I might be coming down with Caleb and the rest of
BH Group #3's cold. Brad is beginning to feel the same way. If we'd only been able to take Caleb out when we'd first wanted to, he wouldn't have caught the cold that the other's had. Assyl had told us last weekend that there were babies in his group that had colds. What? You mean kids can get sick even when there is a doctor there? Okay, that's all my sarcasm for today, I promise!
We were able to call KLM and got booked on the March 16th flight, so pray that we get everything completed before then! (For those of you who have our flight itinerary, it is exactly the same...the date is just the 16th rather than the 9th. So, if all goes well, we would get to the SA airport (ah, home) on Fri. the 16th at 9:17pm.) We'll let you know if anything changes!!

Caleb has changed so much since January. He looks like a little man now instead of a baby. He has matured so much. We are glad that you will get to see him on Sunday. That will be nice. I got the choir at church praying for you guys. They have some powerful prayers. The year we prayed for rain and sang a song called "Let It Rain" we had the October flood. Ha!
Well next week we are looking forward to Spring Break!!! Everyone is exhausted. Of course, is week was the longest week in the world.
We are not going anywhere. Gary had chemo today and is scheduled for a blood transfusion tomorrow morning at 5:15a.m. His hemoglobin is low again. He'll be fine! I'll drop him off and then go to school and pick him up 7 hours later. Yah, that's why I don't stay with him and because the room has barely enough room for a bed and the pole for the blood. But anyway I'm lookijg forward to next week. Catch up on some sleep.
Well you guys take care and Keep the faith. Always in our prayers. Love Ginny and Gary
Sorry that you feel as though you are coming down with colds....darn it! Get well quickly and keep Caleb well so you can all leave! The 16th isn't all that far off at this point and thank goodness you could get the schedule changed. Hooray!
I think you should lead the way, Pethrie, to create a "Woman's Day" in America!!! What shall we do? Keep us posted on everything they do over there, we may need some ideas!
Defintely looking forward to a week off from school. You, know...I can wash, dry, press and re-hang all the sheers and drapes, clean cupboards (which I've promised myself for 2 spring breaks) to do......BUT what I'm reallly going to do is sew for granddaughters and scrap!!!! hee hee....
Oh yeah....our miniature schnauzer gave birth to 7 puppies, 3 weeks ago, and they are just about the cutest things ever. Eyes are open, they are walking and now are even growling and yipping now and then....what a hoot.....I'll get even more attached to the little critters while being home for a week! Clint says it's fine...we'll keep all 7, and have a schnauzer farm! Kids are gone, why not? :o)
Caleb is adorable. He looks like he is ready to go. When can he stay with you at the hotel? I guess this prepares the other two couples for what lies ahead for them. I was so proud of your children. They looked really nervous on TAKS day. They went through all the mints that I had. We also had peppermint oil which I had on a tissue and waved every so often like holy water! Some of my former students from your class stopped by my room to let me know the news. It was exciting. One was even in tears!
I am so proud of you guys. You're holding it together so well. You all are in my prayers. Try to stay healthy and get home soon. Give Caleb a big hug and kiss from me. Take care. Love, Trisha
We're on Spring Break!! Thought it would never get here but now the days will fly. By the time we have to go back to school, you will hopefully be on your way home to be a family here. I can see Caleb has bonded with you. He just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I rushed home today to read the Blog--NO new blog today--hope that means you are with Caleb and don't have time to write. It is so great that those other two couples are there to share experiences with you. A hotdog???? It's time for you to come home. Be strong and tell those people that you are leaving on that plane next Friday. Sounds like you are standing up to them as much as you can--that is a fine line because you don't want to tick them off. Just think of the days when you will be home and can be in charge of your own lives. You remain in my prayers for a quick trip home. We are getting very excited to meet Caleb. Tell those people we are getting tired of waiting. You will be rewarded for all your patience. Stay strong, safe and take care (not too many hotdogs-are you planning on bringing some home with you? HA HA
Love, Lanoma
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