After the US Embassy, we walked to the Ramstore. It's actually a real mall with some familiar stores and a foodcourt and everything! It also had a very large grocery store, almost like we would call a superstore. We bought lots of baby items, 2 sodas, 2 waters, and a Glamour Magazine in English! Our bill was almost $80! When I looked at the bill later, I almost flipped out...the magazine cost about $12! The US price is $3.99!
Caleb was so good on our outings! He really likes riding in the stroller. It's seems so funny to think that just a few days ago, he'd hardly ever even been outdoors. I told him that with me, he'd be seeing a lot more malls and stores!!! Ha-ha!
Caleb really likes his Gerber Banana Puffs we brought from home. We gave him some today to try. The rest should be a big hit on the plane rides!
Oh, a special congratulations to Rod, Kym, and Aray! Aray was able to go to the hotel with her Mommy and Daddy today! (Their coordinator let them bring her to the hotel after the 15 day waiting period.)
The internet here is supposedly faster than it was in Taraz, but it's going so much slower. Since I've been promising pictures for days now, I'll just have to wait it out today!
Bye for now from Almaty, Kazakhstan!
Caleb's breakfast on the train from Taraz to Almaty. Whoa, I look terrible!
The tall building on the left is where the US Embassy in Almaty is located, with mountains in the background.
Brad and Caleb reading Rod and Kym's blog.
Caleb enjoying his banana puffs.
Heh!!!!!!!!!! It is ironic you missed your flight because of a 15 minute interview. AAAAAAAAAGH!!!! I'm glad all went well and maybe there will be a cancellation and you can get out of there on Sunday. Looks like Caleb will be playing games on the computer before too long. It's like give me that mouse DAD! You certainly deserve to have one bad picture considering you were up all night you look a lot better than most of us would have looked. Sounds like you are having a bit more fun in the big city which is good. the scenery is beautiful at least. I admire you guys for making a horrendous situation tolerable. Take care and God bless. Always in our prayers..LOve Ginny and Gary
Everything is finished--bet you thought at times it was never going to happen. But now that is all history and what a future to look forward to!! Pethrie, you do look tired so maybe God knows you need a few days to rest before you start the trip home. Things will be hectic when you get here for awhile. At least Almaty looks and sounds a little more familiar to US citizens. Caleb looks like he is handling everything just fine. He looks relaxed (I don't see that wrinkled forhead anymore) and happy. Doesn't look like he misses the BH one bit. Brad looks like he is enjoying every minute of this whole ordeal. He must have a strong spirit. Enjoy your time and consider it your first vacation as a family. Pethrie you can read that magazine cover to cover for that price and looks like Brad and Caleb will bond with the computer. Caleb looks like he was reaching for the mouse to find something he wanted to see. Praying somebody won't be able to make the Sunday flight so you can get home but Tuesday isn't that far away after all you have survived. Take care and be safe and just ENJOY Caleb while you don't have to share him with all of us waiting here to meet him. Love, Lanoma
Isn't ELMO great. That little red guy seems to make them soooo happy. Glad everything went smoothly at the embassy. Hope you can make an earlier flight, but if not we'll SEE YOU TUESDAY!!!!! Love you. Give Caleb a big hug and kiss for us. We can't wait to get our hands on him and spoil him rotten! Tell him if he wants anything, just ask Aunt Kiki!
Pet. You don't look terrible in the picture. You look like a mom, which means you look great.
We had some possible bad travel news today. If we don't get done in Almaty by the 28th, we'll be stuck there until the 3rd. But we know ahead of time, so we'll just stay in Taraz longer.
Kiss Caleb for us.
Rod, Kym and Aray
How exciting knowing you'll be home by Tuesday, for sure!! Wow! The waiting is really over. Enjoy the trip home and maybe we'll see the 3 of you on Easter!:) Take care & God bless!
Love, Connie, Geryl,& Laura
Enjoyed you blog today--Pethrie you should take up a writing career. I never knew you had such a sense of humor--guess at school you have to be serious!! Sounds like you are enjoying your time in Almaty and probably what you needed (some rest) before the trip home. AAHHH!! I remember the days when people moved away from us in the restaurant but that's life. I think in the U.S. feeding a child broccoli and caulifower mix is child abuse!!! I hope you don't have a big supply of that. Well, Tuesday is getting close and it won't be long now. Won't it be wonderful to be all settled into your own home. You may never want to see a hotel room again. Take care and get rested. Praying for a smooth (on time) trip on Tuesday. Uuuggg!! Spring break ends today.
Love, Lanoma
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