We left an hour before we were supposed to go to the Baby House in order to get some paperwork notorized. Two hours later we finally got to the Baby House, so we were only able to visit Caleb for one hour. We asked our translator to be sure and remind Janet that we wanted to take him today. She said she would. A little bit later, Janet came in with the social worker, not the director. The social worker happens to be Janet's good friend! She asked how we were doing. We said that we were fine. She said she could tell we were doing well because I had a smile on my face. She told us that they couldn't let us take him until Monday. We said that other families we've talked with have taken their babies to the same hotel. She said that it is new (how convenient) and because he isn't one year old yet, they couldn't let him go. We went round and round with her for a while. Then I told her that I wasn't smiling anymore. Janet said, "Oh, Pethrie." I said,"I'm not kidding! I am not happy!!!" So we have an empty crib in our room!!
To make things worse, Thursday is National Women's Day here, but offices will be closed for 3 days. In other words, Caleb's passport will probably be delayed even longer. I told them that we had already rescheduled our flights from this Friday to next Friday, and Janet was worried that we might not be able to make that flight even. I don't think I'm ever going to eat really good food again!
We forgot to take our camera to the orphanage today, so we don't have any pictures of Caleb:( We took off all the layers of clothing he had on underneath because we were planning on him coming with us. Then, we put back on his 12 month old clothes...the pants dropped right down! We also had brought a 9 month old outfit, so we put that one on. The pants were still too big...I had to fold down the waist so that he wasn't "saggin."
We ate dinner with Rod & Kym and Jeannie and Austin here at the hotel. They are all upset that we aren't able to get him, too, but we were also reminded that it could be worse. It's true...we've heard stories! We at least know that he is 100% ours, and a few days can't change that.
Hang in there! We love you. We know you are frustrated and wish there was something we could do to help speed up the time. Sorry, but none of us have any good Russian connections! It may not be as soon as you would like, but it won't be long before you are all home together forever! I'm so glad that there are other couples there to pass the time with. Keep your spirits up. You guys are always on our minds and in our prayers. Give Caleb a great big kiss and hug from his aunt Karen, Uncle Brent and Cousin Ashley!
Gosh, I feel your frustration and only wish a word could help you with that. I guess Murphy's law is always hard at work....if something can foul up our man-made plans, something will! Your last statement is the one to hold on to.....he's yours 100% and nothing can change that....be patient and "enjoy" this journey and be blessed that this is "your" journey! He's healthy, you're healthy and home will only be that much sweeter when you get here!!!
Soon, no one will control your coming and your going with Caleb!
Be blessed!
We are so sorry for you and feel your pain. If they are waiting for him to be a year old that is coming up quite quickly. This is the most frustrating time because you know he is yours and that is what you need to hold onto at this time, but it certainly doesn't make it any easier. It stinks!!! Just keep on them and soon it will happen. Who has the power when you need it. Don't you wish your name was Madonna at this time. Maybe we should have all gone with you so that we could be your entourage and they would think you were very influencial rich Americans that should not be messed with. I don't know it is just a thought. Take Care and Keep the faith. That is all we have at this point. There is a reason for this but it is hard to figure out where God is going with this. Always in our prayers. Love Ginny and Gary
I wish there was something we could do to help. Mom says she's just glad you decided not to take him and become a Kazakian?sp? Bonnie and Clyde. We really were very worried about you. We have all been praying for you (even Anthony who says he's praying that yall will get "unstuck" from there!) I don't know why God's made you wait so long, but all I can say is look how long He made me wait!!! And it was worth every minute!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I'd do it again, especially knowing they're healthy, happy children. When you do finally get to come home, that little smile will be worth the waiting, the boredom, the frustration, the money/blood they keep squeezing from the turnip, etc. I know you want to spend more time with him before you have to go back to work, and I know Brad is probably going to be swamped when he gets back, but the first time he says MaMa or DaDa and looks right at you, you'll forget every hardship and every trial. I know I did (and I've had a few myself:) Hang in there, I know you know that God's still in Control, and He knows exactly what He's doing, even if we don't really understand.
Love you more than we can tell you!!
We just want to send you our love and let you know we're frustrated with you and wish we could make things go faster. We feel helpless, but are continuing to pray for you and know that God can take your frustration away. When Caleb is big, he can look back at this blog and see how much you went through to get him and you can tell him he was worth it all. He is such a sweetie. Have fun with your new friends! Lots of love, Mom & Dad A.
Hang in there!!!! We continue to pray for the 3 of you, and for the people you have to deal with to get through this. It's almost over!:)
Love, Connie, Geryl, & Laura
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