Yesterday, we went and ate lunch at the mall again. This time instead of the food court, we went to an Italian restaurant. Remember how good Caleb was at the food court? Not so much in the restaurant. He was loud. When he was happy, he was loud. When he was angry, he was loud. A group nearby us changed tables...I assume it was because of us. Anyway, at least the food was really good!
Today, we've just been hanging out in the hotel room because it's dark, dreary, and drizzly outside. The other days we've been in Almaty, the weather has been beautiful! It's been sunny but cool--you know, nice spring weather. We've been dressing Caleb with a t-shirt or onesie and a sweatshirt on top and warm-up bottoms or jeans. Plus, we always put his hat on him. He is still the child with the least amount of clothes on here, but he is always sweating. If we were still in Taraz, people would probably stop us and tell us to put more clothes on him.
Since we've stayed in the hotel room today, we've been able to stick to Caleb's schedule a little better. This, of course means that Caleb is better! One of the keys to a very happy Caleb is to keep him well fed. (I know, that's a key to many of us being happy, thus the reason I've whined so much about food while being here.) Anyway, it's just hard to know how much is the right amount to give him. What we received from the BH was all in grams. The baby food, formula, and juice are all in milliliters. We're not even sure exactly what most of what they fed him at the BH was...and it's translated in English! We've just been doing our best...trial and error. He gladly eats whatever we give him...from a cauliflower and broccoli mix to a turkey, carrot, and potato mix.
It's funny, many people have commented here that Caleb looks like Brad. Some of them knew he was adopted and some of them didn't. There is one picture on one of our last two posts, I'm not sure which one, where Brad and I both think he looks like his Uncle Brent in a picture of him when he was little. It is one where Brad and he are on the bed in our hotel room in Taraz. I think they are both wearing green.
Today, he enjoyed watching The Wiggles on DVD. Thanks Cousin Ashley for letting him borrow it and the Elmo one we've watched once a day for 3 days! The problem with these videos is that Brad and I get those songs stuck in our head for the rest of the day! Ha-ha! Anyway, he clapped and bounced and sang with The Wiggles today.
Notice in the pictures below that Caleb is wearing his US Astronaut's onsie with NASA One Small Step socks and the jeans that Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Erwin gave him. He looks so cute, and he's ready to become a US citizen on Tuesday!!! (It sounded like I was narrating a fashion show there for a second!)
Daddy and Caleb watching The Wiggles.
Caleb playing with the ball Rod and Kym gave him while we were in Taraz.
I wonder why they dress their kids in so many layers? I did that when I was skiing in New England when it was below freezing, but not just walking around outside. Oh well I guess we'll never know.
Gary and I saw a baby at a wedding we went to yesterday whose birthday is the day after Caleb's. So we have been having this huge conversation about who looks bigger. I think he is just about the same size and Gary thinks Caleb is bigger. Time will tell.
So this is your first family vacation. Which is probably good before he is bombarded by all these people he doesn't know and love him so much sight unseen. He is such a cutie at least you are eating better to build your strength for the trip home. You really probably wanted the weather to clear out first anyway. The east coast was inundated with a huge storm again. Flights were cancelled all over the place. Even though you don't land there probably the air was really unsettled. This way you will have a smooth trip.
Take care and God Bless. Always in our prayers. Love Ginny and Gary
Hey Guys
It was a beautiful day here today. All eleven of us went to the bowling alley today. 2000 Tenge to rent a lane for an hour and there was only 4 lanes! They had Vodka in the cooler behind the lanes, a disco downstairs, and a movie theater next door. And a bunch of drunk 16 year old kids outside trying to start a fight. I don't think we'll be going back!
On another note, we also had problems trying to figure out how much and what to give Aray. Valentina jumped in a made all 3 meals for her yesterday and fed her! How's that for service?! Unfortunately, today she has "diary". So we don't know if it was the choice of food, or the amount. It seemed like a lot, but she ate all of it and Valentina said that was the correct amount. She's a mom of 10 years, so she hopefully knows better than us. I just don't think they fed them that much in the BH. She's happy though, so we're going to stay with what we've been doing and try to get her fattened up once she gets used to it.
And in case you didn't see our blog, we're going to be stuck in Almaty until a Tuesday also. So we're staying here until Tuesday night / Wednesday morning.
Wow, this was long. Maybe I should just cut and paste and put it on our blog for today :)
Rod, Kym, and Aray
OOPPS!! I accidently posted my message on the previous blog. Guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks?? Lanoma
Oh you'll know ALL the words to every silly song on those videos before you land in TEXAS. At least they are kinda catchy and upbeat. Glad he is enjoying them and it looks like from the pictures that he is very happy and relaxed. We can't wait until Tuesday. Love ya and see you soon.
We can't wait until Tuesday. It will be so good to see you and see Caleb in person for the first time. He does look like Brad and I can see some of Pet also. God is so good. Caleb must take after grandma Carol and grandpa Don if he'll eat anything. We had a great service at Church today. We celebrated Bro. Clark and Gail being at KBC for 5 years. Boy time goes by in a hurry.(unless your in Kaz. trying to get home) We love you so much. E-mail us if there is something we can do for you before you get home. Love Mom and Dad A.
It's time for countdown. It's almost over and you'll be home! Things will go so smoothly once you get home and back on a normal schedule. You guys are quite amazing. You've been through so much. It'll feel so good to be home again. Take care and have a safe trip home. Love ya, Trisha
Sorry for the typos.
This is probably our last note! That's great news since we know it's because you'll be heading home!!!!!!! Can't wait to see all of you! Praying the trip home goes great! God bless!
Love Connie, Geryl, & Laura
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