Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Day 2 of the Bonding Period

Guess what? Monday night, we were in our first earthquake. Of course, we didn't even know because we slept right through it! I'm sure it was a very small one. The couple next door from California didn't feel it either! Of course, they are used to quakes.

This morning we woke up early, but didn't go down for breakfast. We're a little tired of the same old thing! We went out for lunch to a nearby Turkish restaurant called The Bosfar. I played it safe with cheese pizza (not pizza like we're used to by any means!) Brad ordered under the section of kebobs something that said chicken. So you'd think chicken kebob, right? No, it was some sort of brown patty that to me almost looked like breakfast sausage. He said it was okay, but not what he expected. He is so much braver than I am when it comes to food here! Since we've gotten here, I've eaten only cheese pizzas from two restaurants and cucumber and tomato salads from our hotel restaurant. When we eat breakfast at our hotel, we usually don't eat lunch. We've only been here a little while, but I already miss chicken fajitas and iced tea! Yumm, Chile's sounds soooo good! Okay...stop thinking about food!
After we went to the baby house today, we stopped by the Gros Market (I think that name is so funny!) We got some more snacks for our hotel and some more baby food and juice for the baby.
Now what you all want to hear more about: Caleb.
When they brought him to us today, he was wearing the outfit that we had changed him to yesterday with another outfit underneath. Apparently, as soon as they take him back from us, they change him out of the clothes that we brought. Then they change him back when we get there. So today when we left, we left a different outfit and a diaper. Today when they brought him, he didn't have a diaper on! Thank goodness he didn't go on us...I didn't realize he didn't have one on at first under all those thick layers. He wasn't so nervous today, however, he wasn't as active or happy. We figured he was probably teething. Also, when we get there at 3:00, they wake him from his nap, get his clothes on, feed him, and race him in where we are...his normal routine has been turned upside-down! Our translator kept trying to make excuses for him or would try to get him to laugh. I don't know if she thinks we aren't going to adopt him if he isn't happy all the time, or what, but we feel it was all perfectly normal for a baby! When I would rock him in my arms, he'd put two fingers in his mouth and relax. The translator came in while I was rocking him this way one time and made the comment that the caregivers don't like it when the parents hold the baby all the time because when they go back, they want to be held. Well, that's just too bad! This is supposed to be a bonding period...let us bond! Another thing that makes it a little difficult is that we're in this tiny room, and the translator comes in and out all the time. Caleb gets very distracted by her coming in and out and also from all the noises from the baby house. Today, there was even a student who joined us in the room to "practice her English." Of course she also would come in and out. Our bonding room is like Grand Central Station! Caleb didn't seem to like the student very much. She laughed at something he did once, and he started to cry. Then everytime he would look at her, he would whimper like he was about to cry.
We gave him some juice from a bottle today. We're allowed to feed him a little baby food or give him some juice after 4:00. When we tried to give it to him a little after 4:00, he didn't drink much, but later he drank it all. We also began calling him "Caleb Roman" today. He didn't respond much to it, although, he doesn't seem to respond much to Roman either. I don't think they must call them by name much.
The doctor came in to give us a little information about Caleb's bio mother. We learned she was 19 when she had him, Russian, and from this city, Taraz. He was born March 27, 2006. According to the doctor, he is one of the healthiest babies at Umit Baby House (Do they say that to all the parents?) He does seem very healthy to us, though! She also confirmed what we thought, that he has a couple of new teeth coming in, so she said we could stop by the pharmacy to get him some Baby Dent (their version of Ambesol or Orajel. --sp?) So, we bought some when we went to the market. We'll try it on Wednesday if his teeth seem to be bothering him again.
Of course, we also have a few more pictures:

Daddy says, "Hook 'em Horns, Caleb!"


Unknown said...

I CAN'T STOP CRYING!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND HIM AND ALL OF US! I think about y'all all the time. Reading your blog is like hearing Pet talk, it's so funny. Just wish I could hold it together when I'm reading the blog to somebody outloud. Are you singing to him? Cause you know grandma Carol will sure catch him up if you don't! :)

Brenda Hungerford said...

Hi again! I'm not sure if you received my first, short message, but no big deal. I am so so so happy to see Caleb and hear all your daily information! You "all" seem to be adjusting well and the sooner you can bring him home and hold him as much as you want day after day, the better!!!! We miss you at school but all is going well there too. You have a good sub so no need to worry about those little ones while you are gone! Little Caleb is adorable and I can't wait to meet him in person! What a miracle come true huh?

Brenda H.

Mitzi/Tony/Tyler/Anthony/Mom/Dad said...

Mom says to tell you we have really enjoyed all the pictures & details. He's so precious! They took Carol out to eat yesterday for her birthday and saw Ashley. She said they had meatloaf and it was very good, but since you don't like meatloaf, maybe it'll make your food sound better. Tyler took his first two steps without holding on Monday!! Mom & Dad had a leak in the shower & haven't had water for four days. The plumber finally fixed it, but it's under the slab, and they're going to need a lot of work to completely fix it. Other than that there's not much else going on here. No earthquakes or anything. We might get snow this weekend...but probably your pictures will be as close as we get. Stay warm, keep bonding, and hold him as much as you get the chance to. You've already missed enough time; you should hold him every minute !!!! You're in our prayers!